How to make the most out of bio-waste

26th April 2019 | Events

BIOHEC LIFE Workshop: How to make the most out of bio-waste

27 May 2019

Aula Magna, Regione Emilia Romagna
Viale Aldo Moro, 30
40127 Bologna, Italy

Register here

Download the agenda in English here | Scarica l’invito e il programma qui


RREUSE is delighted to invite you to a workshop organised in the framework of the BIOHEC LIFE project to exchange about the potential of bio-waste in the Emilia Romagna region, as well as the transformation of used cooking oils into new products.

With its experience in the local, social and eco-friendly collection and transformation of used cooking oils into biofuels, GECCO (Lille – France) is leading the BIOHEC LIFE Project aiming at developing an eco-designed, compact and flexible demonstrator in order to produce competitively priced biodiesel. Gecco developed a partnership with the municipality of Lille which uses the biodiesel to fuel its public vehicles fleet and its city cleaning vehicles. Through partnerships and franchises, the project also aims at developing GECCO’s activities in other countries of Europe, beyond France.

This event will be interpreted: English-Italian, Italian-English.

Should you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with


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